A framework of reference for pluralistic approaches

Teaching and learning materials

This database aims to facilitate teachers access to educational materials relevant to pluralistic approaches to languages and cultures. This way they will be able to help learners appropriate their knowledge, attitudes, and skills as described in the lists of descriptors. The materials, available to download, can be selected according to various criteria: objectives (as expressed by the FREPA descriptors), levels of training, thematic areas, the type of pluralistic approach, and the language of instruction.

Devine qui vient dîner ce soir

Short description:
The overall aim of this role play is to get students to "analyze the messages handed down by family about people of different social and cultural background" so that they are "aware of the role of family in the transmission social values ".
Level of instruction:
Secondary 2 and beyond


A 08.05.01
A 08.06.01
A 11.03.01
K 10.02.01
K 10.04.01
K 10.04.03
K 11.01.01
K 11.01.02
S 01.07.02
S 04.01.01
S 06.01.02

The overall aim of this role play is to get students to "analyze the messages handed down by family about people of different social and cultural background" so that they are "aware of the role of family in the transmission social values ".
To make this activity the teacher will need a minimum of 8 students because four of them must play a role while the other four must observe in detail one specific actor.
The actors are members of a family whose young daughter wants to live with her boyfriend who is of another race / culture. The family does not like this idea. Each actor gives his arguments.
After the role play, players must explain their feelings and observers should read the arguments used by the actors. Then, there is a discussion about the role play including the whole group.
"You can adapt this activity to the cultural and social reality of participants" and "if you think the roles are too restrictive, or they have nothing to do with reality, you can create your own role cards defining four family behaviours typically found in your culture."

Approach: Intercultural

Type of material: xxxxxx

Direction de la Jeunesse et du Sport, Conseil de l’Europe. Activity from the Kit pédagogique Tous différentS-tous égaux (2nd edition).

If you wish to link directly to this page, use the following hyperlink: https://carap.ecml.at/Materials/id/17923




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