A framework of reference for pluralistic approaches

Teaching and learning materials

This database aims to facilitate teachers access to educational materials relevant to pluralistic approaches to languages and cultures. This way they will be able to help learners appropriate their knowledge, attitudes, and skills as described in the lists of descriptors. The materials, available to download, can be selected according to various criteria: objectives (as expressed by the FREPA descriptors), levels of training, thematic areas, the type of pluralistic approach, and the language of instruction.



Antonio et Ali

Publication year: 2011

The main objective of this activity is to make students reflect on their images about others’ culture and the possibility to change these points of view by removing traditional stereotypes.

Languages: English , other Languages

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Publication year: 2011

This activity deals with work on stereotyping and prejudice about other cultures...

Languages: Norwegian

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Des situations conflictuelles (exercice 13)

Publication year: 2012

L’apprenant est confronté à des situations conflictuelles et il/elle doit apporter un argument positif pour défendre la personne incriminée.

Languages: English

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Devine qui vient dîner ce soir

Publication year: 2011

The overall aim of this role play is to get students to "analyze the messages handed down by family about people of different social and cultural background" so that they are "aware of the role of family in the transmission social values ".

Languages: Spanish

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Partager la discrimination

Publication year: 2011

The overall goal of this activity is to raise awareness of discrimination in everyday life, to promote empathy and to help participants gain confidence.

Languages: French

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The Legend of the White Eagle I

Publication year: 2013

The students read the Polish legend “The Legend of the White Eagle” in form of a script which describes the formation of Poland. They get familiarized with (Polish) national symbols and the concepts of tribe, nation and emblem and learn about the common cultural roots of Slavic nations. Furthermore, they gain an insight into six foreign languages by analyzing short parts of the legend in these languages.

Languages: French , German , French , German ,

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Vous face aux stéréotypes

Publication year: 2011

The general aim of this activity is to bring learners to reflect about their reactions when confronted with national stereotypes. The teacher will carry out a session of brainstorming by asking questions about stereotypes.

Languages: German

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