A framework of reference for pluralistic approaches

Teaching and learning materials

This database aims to facilitate teachers access to educational materials relevant to pluralistic approaches to languages and cultures. This way they will be able to help learners appropriate their knowledge, attitudes, and skills as described in the lists of descriptors. The materials, available to download, can be selected according to various criteria: objectives (as expressed by the FREPA descriptors), levels of training, thematic areas, the type of pluralistic approach, and the language of instruction.



Des situations conflictuelles (exercice 13)

Publication year: 2012

L’apprenant est confronté à des situations conflictuelles et il/elle doit apporter un argument positif pour défendre la personne incriminée.

Languages: English

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Durante la pausa – Espressioni tipiche del gergo giovanile

Publication year: 2014

The overall aim of this activity is to familiarize the students with the existence of different registers and degrees of formality in a language and to reflect on their use in different languages.


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Publication year: 2013

The idea of "Europanto" is that of a mix of the mostly spoken European languages. It was introduced by Diego Marani, a translator of the European Union. Using this artificial language in a playful way, the learners become aware of the language diversity in Europe and experience it as something positive and develop a sense of togetherness.

Languages: French , Spanish , Italian , French , Italian , Italian ,

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Frère Jacques

Publication year: 2006

The students sing the song “Frère Jacques” in different languages.


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Language detective

Publication year: 2011

In this activity the students become language detectives and try to discover a mystery.

Languages: Spanish

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Publication year: 2011

The main purpose of the activity is to help the students realize the importance of knowing foreign languages.


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Qué ""raro"" hablas!

Publication year: 2012

The students are given certain situations where they have to empathise with foreigners who don't speak the language and try to find other ways to communicate.

Languages: English

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Sprog og Samfund

Publication year: 2011

University teacher Hans Arndt introduces over 7 pages the subject of “Language and society” and proposes different exercises.

Languages: English

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