A framework of reference for pluralistic approaches

FREPA documents

The FREPA brochure – “FREPA - Competences and resources” forms the basic FREPA document. It contains statements of competences and lists of resource descriptors, as well as the description of the procedure and the choices that led to their formulation. It also includes the main theoretical and didactical approaches to pluralistic approaches and FREPA. These options are further developed in “FREPA - An introduction for users”, including references for use in the classroom, curriculum integration, and teacher training. The FREPA document – ”FREPA - Tables of descriptors across the curriculum” seeks to indicate the best stage in a student’s curriculum to develop these resources.


FREPA – Competences and resources

A systematic presentation of competences and resources (knowledge, attitudes, skills) which can be developed by pluralistic approaches

 English, French, Italian, Arabic, Serbian, Slovenian and Spanish

 Direct access to the list of descriptors of resources
      included in this document
 (available as pdf and web page)

FREPA – Tables of descriptors across the curriculum

At what stage of schooling should the resources be trained? The tables of descriptors across the curriculum give an approximate indication of their relevance at different phases of the curriculum.

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FREPA – An introduction for users

This brochure guides users to the characteristics of CARAP – FREPA with the aim of enriching teaching programmes with a plurilingual and intercultural education, designing integrated linguistic curricula, using FREPA in the classroom etc.

 Download pdf (available in French only)  

List of resources in three languages

English, French and German, with space for inclusion of other language versions

Download complete file

 Download list of main categories of resources

Teacher training: other tools and experiences

This page offers self-study materials for teachers and other educational stakeholders. There are four modules: a discovery module, a module concerning the relationship between pluralistic approaches and language education policy, and two modules presenting specific uses of FREPA in the classroom. These modules can also be used by teacher trainers in their preparation of training sessions.

View page


Video presenting the publication on the occasion of the ECML conference in December 2016 (video available in French).



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