Un cadre de référence pour les approches plurielles

Matériau didactiques

Cette base de données vise à faciliter l’accès des enseignants à des matériaux didactiques relevant des approches plurielles des langues et des cultures. Ils pourront ainsi aider les apprenants à s’approprier des savoirs, savoir-être et savoir-faire décrits dans les listes de descripteurs. Les matériaux, téléchargeables, peuvent être sélectionnés selon divers critères : les objectifs visés (exprimés par les descripteurs du CARAP), les niveaux de formation, les domaines thématiques, le type d’approche plurielle et la langue des instructions pédagogiques.

Les règles du jeu

Short description:
This activity aims to ensure that students are familiar with experiences such as the status of oppressed and oppressors, so they can understand better the situation of those who are oppressed by someone else or who make part of a minority.
Level of instruction:
Secondary 2 and beyond


A 07.03.03
A 08.06.03
A 11.03.01
A 13.02.01
K 08.04.03
K 10.02.02
K 11.03.01
S 01.01.02
S 03.10.02
S 07.03.01

This activity aims to ensure that students are familiar with experiences such as the status of oppressed and oppressors, so they can understand better the situation of those who are oppressed by someone else or who make part of a minority.
The teacher distributes labels in 2 different colours, e.g. yellow and green. Then the teacher explains a series of rules that will be applied in different ways depending on the colour of the label (between 6 and 8 rules). They give privileges to those who hold yellow label (for example) and bans to those who hold the green ones. This activity could be coupled with a leisure activity to make students experience their new condition in a real context.
Finally the teacher asks the students to explain their feelings as a “yellow” or “green” participant. The whole group will make an assessment of the experience and discuss about the conditions of minority cultural groups.
This activity offers alternatives and suggestions for follow-up. There is also an English version for this activity: http://www.eycb.coe.int/edupack/55.html.

Approach: Intercultural

Type of material: xxxxxx

Direction de la Jeunesse et du Sport, Conseil de l’Europe. Activity from the Kit pédagogique Tous différentS-tous égaux (2nd edition).

Voici le lien qui renvoie à la présente page: https://carap.ecml.at/Materials/id/17924




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