Un cadre de référence pour les approches plurielles

Matériau didactiques

Cette base de données vise à faciliter l’accès des enseignants à des matériaux didactiques relevant des approches plurielles des langues et des cultures. Ils pourront ainsi aider les apprenants à s’approprier des savoirs, savoir-être et savoir-faire décrits dans les listes de descripteurs. Les matériaux, téléchargeables, peuvent être sélectionnés selon divers critères : les objectifs visés (exprimés par les descripteurs du CARAP), les niveaux de formation, les domaines thématiques, le type d’approche plurielle et la langue des instructions pédagogiques.

Fairy tales

Short description:
The objective of the activity is to challenge the pupils’ ability to write/talk in different languages about fairy tales in different cultures.
Level of instruction:
Primary 2 Secondary 1


A 02.01
A 02.03
K 08.02
K 09.03
K 10.08.01
K 10.08.02
K 12.02
K 13.02.01
S 02.08.01
S 02.08.02
S 06.01

The objective of the activity is to challenge the pupils’ ability to write/talk in different languages about fairy tales in different cultures. The activity is divided into four sections with one worksheet each.

1. The first section is named 'Working with the five senses and collecting descriptive adjectives using pictures and images'. The teacher tells a story about a troll s/he met in Norway. The pupils are asked to continue the story and find out about which adjectives were used to describe it. Then they are asked whether they know about something similar in Sweden or other cultures they know and create their own troll in groups. Afterwards, every group describes their troll with words in many different languages. The words should be adjectives related to the five senses. The pupils are then asked to look for similarities between the words in different languages. As a homework, they prepare a presentation of the characters of their own and their parents' favourite fairy. They make the presentation in their L1.

2. After the presentations, the pupils write down their fairy tales in their own language and in English. Herewith, they create a book with fairy tales in different languages and from different cultures with a list of words and descriptions of them

3. In the following section, the pupils work with the nature and setting of fairy tales. The homework consists of asking the parents for pictures of their home country's nature. They should describe the picture in their L1 and in English using the five senses.

4. The last section provides guidelines for writing fairy tales and for presenting them. The pupils are now invited to write their own fairy tale. The teacher presents them with a list of strategies that are useful for writing a fairy tale. Examples are provided in Norwegian and Swedish. At last, the pupils evaluate the activity by answering questions about what they learnt and what they liked.

Duration: 1x180, 3x120

Card compiled by: Lavinia Knop, Elisa Tonello, Petra Daryai-Hansen
Fairy tales (English)
Eventyr (Danish)
Muinasjutud (Estonian)
Satuja (Finnish)
Tröll (Icelandic)
Pasakos (Lithuanian)
Pasakas (Latvian)
Eventyr (Norwegian)
Äventyr (Swedish)
Voici le lien qui renvoie à la présente page: https://carap.ecml.at/Materials/id/17971




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