Un cadre de référence pour les approches plurielles

Matériau didactiques

Cette base de données vise à faciliter l’accès des enseignants à des matériaux didactiques relevant des approches plurielles des langues et des cultures. Ils pourront ainsi aider les apprenants à s’approprier des savoirs, savoir-être et savoir-faire décrits dans les listes de descripteurs. Les matériaux, téléchargeables, peuvent être sélectionnés selon divers critères : les objectifs visés (exprimés par les descripteurs du CARAP), les niveaux de formation, les domaines thématiques, le type d’approche plurielle et la langue des instructions pédagogiques.

L’arbre de vie

Short description:
This activity gives students the opportunity to reflect on their family history and to relate it with nowadays’ sociocultural problems and globalisation.
Level of instruction:
Secondary 2 and beyond


A 05.03.01
A 08.06.01
K 10.04.01
K 10.05.01
K 11.01.03
S 02.08.02
S 04.01.01
S 07.03.01

This activity gives students the opportunity to reflect on their family history and to relate it with nowadays’ sociocultural problems and globalisation. Pupils have to create their own family trees and pay attention to relatives who have emigrated, who were lesbians or homosexuals, who have been married to a foreigner, who have practised a different religion or who have spoken a different language. When the family trees are finished, they will discuss about their families and they will be more open-minded with immigrants because they will feel closer to them
This activity does not need a difficult preparation although the student has to do a research at home about his/her family. The teacher only has to prepare a sample of a family tree. It is also very flexible because, although the instructions are written in French, the activity can be done in any language.
The most important point to take into account is the teacher/monitor behaviour: he has to be very careful not to force students to talk about their family.

Approach: Intercultural

Type of material: xxxxxx

Direction de la Jeunesse et du Sport, Conseil de l’Europe. Activity from the Kit pédagogique Tous différentS-tous égaux (2nd edition).
L’arbre de vie (French)
Voici le lien qui renvoie à la présente page: https://carap.ecml.at/Materials/id/17922




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