Un cadre de référence pour les approches plurielles

Matériau didactiques

Cette base de données vise à faciliter l’accès des enseignants à des matériaux didactiques relevant des approches plurielles des langues et des cultures. Ils pourront ainsi aider les apprenants à s’approprier des savoirs, savoir-être et savoir-faire décrits dans les listes de descripteurs. Les matériaux, téléchargeables, peuvent être sélectionnés selon divers critères : les objectifs visés (exprimés par les descripteurs du CARAP), les niveaux de formation, les domaines thématiques, le type d’approche plurielle et la langue des instructions pédagogiques.

001.2000 - SWITZERLAND

Short description:
Model for young people and adults
Level of instruction:
Lower secondary Upper secondary Post-secondary Tertiary (first stage) Tertiary (second stage) Adult

The Language Portfolio ELP III for young people from age 16 and adults is the first Swiss Language Portfolio. As of the new edition published in 2010, it is now supported by the web portal www.sprachenportfolio.ch (information available in English, German, Italian, French and Romansh.

The Internet portal helps you fill in the Language Portfolio and allows you to use all the functions of the ELP III.

Once purchased, all documents are available for download and can be filled in electronically. With the support of the Internet, the Portfolio becomes much more flexible. At the same time, you can benefit from the advantages of the clear folder structure to find the documents you need.

Here you will learn about possible uses of the Language Portfolio III and you will receive instructions on how to use it as a student or as a teacher.

This website provides generally accessible information and instructions regarding the usage of the ELP III for all learners and teachers and, as of 2011, for various target groups, e.g. for general education schools (matura schools and specialised middle schools) and for vocational education schools.
Voici le lien qui renvoie à la présente page: https://carap.ecml.at/Materials/id/17834




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