Un cadre de référence pour les approches plurielles

Matériau didactiques

Cette base de données vise à faciliter l’accès des enseignants à des matériaux didactiques relevant des approches plurielles des langues et des cultures. Ils pourront ainsi aider les apprenants à s’approprier des savoirs, savoir-être et savoir-faire décrits dans les listes de descripteurs. Les matériaux, téléchargeables, peuvent être sélectionnés selon divers critères : les objectifs visés (exprimés par les descripteurs du CARAP), les niveaux de formation, les domaines thématiques, le type d’approche plurielle et la langue des instructions pédagogiques.

037.2002 - MILESTONE

Short description:
Model for learners of the host community language

Full version available for free download!
Level of instruction:
Post-secondary Adult

This multilingual version of the EUROPEAN LANGUAGE PORTFOLIO was designed and developed transnationally by the partners in the MILESTONE project. The Milestone Project, funded by the EU under Comenius 2, is a network of language teachers of migrant learners in language and vocational classes. The Milestone ELP has been piloted in migrant language classes in Finland, Germany, Ireland, The Netherlands, and Sweden with learners ranging from teenagers to older adults. Some learners were in the early stages of learning the language of the host community, while others had already entered vocational training and were preparing to enter the labour market.

This European Language Portfolio is intended to:

- Support teaching and learning through the gradual development of learner autonomy

- Provide evidence of the holder’s language abilities and intercultural capacities to teachers, officials, and prospective employers

- Develop in learners a range of transferable learning, communication and intercultural skills which are essential for effective engagement at all levels with the host society

Voici le lien qui renvoie à la présente page: https://carap.ecml.at/Materials/id/17807




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