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¿Cómo nos entendemos?

Publication year: 2011

Pupils speak of cultural habits, drawing up written advice for travellers.

Languages: Spanish

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« Reussir une rencontre avec une autre personne (exercice 1) »

Publication year: 2011

Learners must organise elements by order of importance when one wants a successful meeting with another person.

Languages: French

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A csomagolásokról és még erről arról...

Publication year: 2011

Les élèves sont amenés à réfléchir sur la diversité des écritures et sur la fonction de l’écrit à propos de l’observation de l’emballage de quelques produits alimnetaires de base (lait, pâtes etc.)

Languages: Hungarian, English

Average rating 0 based on 0 votes (0 ratings, 0 comments)

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A la découverte de mon quartier

Publication year: 2011

Students have to work in groups to create posters, models, etc. that represent the main streets of their town/district area including their linguistic/cultural diversity and then they have to present it to another class in another linguistic and geographical context.

Languages: French

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A la découverte de notre quartier

Publication year: 2011

Students have to work in groups to create posters, models, etc. that represent the main streets of their town/district area including their linguistic/cultural diversity and then they have to present it to another class in another linguistic and geographical context.

Languages: French

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A vos marques, prêts, écrivez !

Publication year: 2011

Students will discover different writing systems and their evolution from their creation to nowadays...

Languages: French

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Addictively tasty

Publication year: 2012

In this activity, the students learn about similarities and differences between languages, by focusing on chocolate and desserts.

Languages: English, Danish, Estonian, Finnish, Icelandic, Latvian, Norwegian, Swedish, Lithuanian

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Aimez-vous le vouvoiement ?

Publication year: 2011

The main objective of this activity is to lead the students to reflect on the use of T-form (informal) and V-form (formal) in France and in other countries.

Languages: French

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Publication year: 2011

Learners of German as a foreign language are given a newspaper article in German which discusses the testing of Airbus A 320.

Languages: German

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Publication year: 2011

The main purpose of this activity is to know the value of gesture in non verbal communication and that especially in some cultures.

Languages: Dutch

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Ángeles y demonios

Publication year: 2011

This is an activity developed during a course of plurilingualism at the university Justus-Liebig-Universität Gießen, Germany.

Languages: German

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Antonio et Ali

Publication year: 2011

The main objective of this activity is to make students reflect on their images about others’ culture and the possibility to change these points of view by removing traditional stereotypes.

Languages: French

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Arab írás (Arabian script)

Publication year: 2011

Les élèves sont amenés à réfléchir sur le fonctionnement d’une écriture alphabétique autre que l’écriture latine : ils observent des textes pris dans les contes de Mille et une nuits.

Languages: Hungarian, Hungarian

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Body part Mathematics

Publication year: 2011

The purpose of this exercise is to explore multicultural/-lingual aspects of body part mathematics – counting and measuring.

Languages: English

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Publication year: 2011

Students watch a video in which children say “Good morning” in 17 different languages.

Languages: French

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Cartographies des mobilités culturelles

Publication year: 2011

This activity raises a threefold question:
1) about family roots, the origins of each one of us,
2) about cultural mobility that pupils have already had or are planning
3) about networks of relationships all around the world.

Languages: French

Average rating 0 based on 0 votes (0 ratings, 0 comments)

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Publication year: 2011

The teacher makes copies of worksheet 7.2.1 for each student.

Languages: Dutch

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Publication year: 2012

The purpose of this activity is to compare different habits and ways of preparing coffee in various cultures and to research the words ‘milk’ and ‘coffee’ in different languages.

Languages: English

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Comer para viver

Publication year: 2011

This activity, compiled in 7 romance languages (Portughese, Spanish, Catalan, Occitan, French, Italian and Roumanian) deals with the food chain of living beings.

Languages: French

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Comment s’appellent les Français/es ?/ ¿Cómo se llaman los españoles?

Publication year: 2014

The object of this activity is to familiarize the students with first and last names which are linked to particular languages / cultures, as well as to raise awareness to possible existence of the same or similar names in other languages they know.

Languages: French, Spanish, Italian, French, Italian, Italian

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Como dos gotas de agua

Publication year: 2011

The aims of this activity are: to identify the languages that appear in the texts (Gaelic, English, French, Catalan, Spanish, Italian, German), to indicate those words that are similar to Spanish words and to complete a table with some Italian words, Gaelic, English, French, German and Catalan.

Languages: Spanish

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Publication year: 2011

This activity deals with work on stereotyping and prejudice about other cultures...

Languages: French, English

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Dans l’univers des noms et des prénoms

Publication year: 2011

The activities referred to in this card take place in three stages : the first, entitled Presenting my first name should take 4 sessions of 60 minutes during which learners looks up the origin and meaning of their first anmes, interview colleagues and present the ethymology of their first names, tell and listen to anecdotes about choice of names, and, in the domain of morphology, look up the masculine and feminine forms of first names.

Languages: French

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Dans notre immeuble

Publication year: 2011

The overall goals of this role play are to make students "analyse (their) attitudes towards people of different social and cultural groups”, “explore strategies for conflict resolution”, “reflect on the limits of tolerance” and “reflect on the relationship between discrimination and conflict of interest".

Languages: French

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Das russische Märchen “Die Rübe”

Publication year: 2011

In this activity each paragraph of the Russian tale “The enormous turnip” is written in a different language (English, French, Latin or Russian). The learner is asked to identify and mark the same words in different languages. In a second step, the learner is requested to find equivalents of Russian words within some other Slavic languages.

Languages: German

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De tú a tú

Publication year: 2011

The main goal of this activity is to introduce and familiarize the target students with some social norms of public behavior and rules of address in the Spanish culture (volume of speech, eye contact, etc.).

Languages: Spanish

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Déchiffrer le monde

Publication year: 2011

Through work on 6 activities written in 7 romance languages: Portughese, Occitan, French, Italian, Spanish, Rumanian and Catalan, the learner gets to present numeric data in tables and graphs, as well as to understand the proportionality...

Languages: French

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Des situations conflictuelles (exercice 13)

Publication year: 2012

L’apprenant est confronté à des situations conflictuelles et il/elle doit apporter un argument positif pour défendre la personne incriminée.

Languages: French

Average rating 1 based on 1 votes (1 ratings, 1 comments)

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Dessins réflexifs

Publication year: 2011

This webquest entitled (Tales of the World) aims at studying the tales of four countries (China, Morocco, Senegal and India) in order to create a presentation containing information on each country, its music, images and a glossary about the story chosen by each pupil.

Languages: French

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Devine qui vient dîner ce soir

Publication year: 2011

The overall aim of this role play is to get students to "analyze the messages handed down by family about people of different social and cultural background" so that they are "aware of the role of family in the transmission social values ".

Languages: French

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Die lange Reise der Wörter

Publication year: 2017

Students discover in a playful way that there is a lively exchange between languages. They can find out that loan words don’t refer exclusively to the linguistic but also to the cultural level. Mostly, foreign words and loan words are borrowed as terms of new objects, new techniques or concepts.

Languages: German

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Donde fueres haz lo que vieres

Publication year: 2012

Il s'agit d'une activité destinée à des élèves hispanophones et aussi à des étudiants d'espagnol langue étrangère.

Languages: Spanish

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Durante la pausa – Espressioni tipiche del gergo giovanile

Publication year: 2014

The overall aim of this activity is to familiarize the students with the existence of different registers and degrees of formality in a language and to reflect on their use in different languages.

Languages: Italian, German

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Enseñanza intercultural a alumnos chinos (I)

Publication year: 2011

The main purpose of this activity, oriented towards students of Spanish as a Foreign Language (ELE) with Chinese as their mother tongue, is to instruct pupils about some social norms of behavior in Spanish society, which drastically differ from the social norms of behavior in Chinese-speaking countries.

Languages: Spanish

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Enseñanza intercultural a alumnos chinos (II)

Publication year: 2011

The main purpose of this activity, designed for students of Spanish as a Foreign Language (ELE) with Chinese as their mother tongue, is to instruct pupils about some social norms of behavior in Spanish society, which drastically differ from the social norms of behavior in Chinese-speaking countries.

Languages: Spanish

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Españolitos de a pie

Publication year: 2011

The activity in question is oriented towards students of Spanish as a Foreign Language (ELE).

Languages: Spanish

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Publication year: 2013

The idea of "Europanto" is that of a mix of the mostly spoken European languages. It was introduced by Diego Marani, a translator of the European Union. Using this artificial language in a playful way, the learners become aware of the language diversity in Europe and experience it as something positive and develop a sense of togetherness.

Languages: German

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Fairy tales

Publication year: 2011

The objective of the activity is to challenge the pupils’ ability to write/talk in different languages about fairy tales in different cultures.

Languages: English, Danish, Estonian, Finnish, Icelandic, Lithuanian, Latvian, Norwegian, Swedish

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Fiat lux

Publication year: 2011

The activity, compiled in 7 romance languages (Portughese, Spanish, Catalan, Occitan, French, Italian and Roumanian) deals with the way electricity works on the basis of experiements and historical accounts of the discovery of electricity (Volta).

Languages: French

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Forcer le cercle

Publication year: 2011

The overall aim of this activity is to make students think about the membership or rejection in a social group. It seeks to ensure that students can put themselves in the shoes of both an integrated member of a large cultural group and an isolated person or a minority group.

Languages: French

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Publication year: 2011

The objective of the activity “Førstehåndsindtryk” (“First impression”) is to develop a consciousness about conceptions and the misconceptions in cultural contacts.

Languages: Danish

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Frère Jacques

Publication year: 2006

The students sing the song “Frère Jacques” in different languages.

Languages: English, Danish, Estonian, Finnish, Icelandic, Lithuanian, Norwegian, Swedish, Latvian

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Publication year: 2011

With this activity the students are discovering the existence of different sign languages and codes.

Languages: Dutch

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Publication year: 2014

The overall aim of this activity is to introduce students to a way of expressing future plans in Italian and explore this grammatical structure and use in itself, as well as in comparison to other romance languages (French and Spanish).

Languages: Italian

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If you want peace

Publication year: 2016

Students perform various activities during which they discover and compare the iconic symbols, gestures and words that express the meaning of "peace" in different languages or cultural contexts.

Languages: English, Norwegian, Danish, Latvian, Lithuanian, Finnish, Estonian, Swedish, Icelandic

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Interview d'étudiants

Publication year: 2011

Pupils view a sequence (in four parts) features a bilingual interview: the interviewer asks in French and the person interviewed answers in Portughese.

Languages: French

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Italien à partir de l’espagnol

Publication year: 2012

Il s’agit d’une leçon 0 d’italien destinée à des élèves francophones ayant déjà étudié l’espagnol langue étrangère.

Languages: French

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Japanese Calligraphy

Publication year: 2011

The main purpose of this activity is to introduce the students’ to the concept of Japanese Calligraphy and to enhance their curiosity to explore unfamiliar writing systems.

Languages: English

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Je wereld kleurt taal

Publication year: 2011

By means of this activity the students are lead to the discovery that not all the words of one language can be translated into another language (for example the Eskimos have different words to indicate ‘snow’).

Languages: Dutch

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L’arbre de vie

Publication year: 2011

This activity gives students the opportunity to reflect on their family history and to relate it with nowadays’ sociocultural problems and globalisation.

Languages: French

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La amabilidad como puerta a la interculturalidad

Publication year: 2011

The principal goal of the activity is to make pupils of a multiethnic group aware of the differences that exist in their cultures and, consequently, in their non-verbal communication.

Languages: Spanish

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La fleur des langues

Publication year: 2011

This activity helps students to differentiate between the terms “mother language”, “second language” and “foreign language”.

Languages: French

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La souris plurilingue

Publication year: 2011

The activity wants to sensitize the learner for foreign languages. The story is available in ten different languages. The learner gets the story in at least two languages which he does not know. Then he is requested to find hints to relate the text with the correct language...

animals, story/tale

Languages: French, Polish, Polish

Average rating 5 based on 1 votes (1 ratings, 1 comments)

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Language detective

Publication year: 2011

In this activity the students become language detectives and try to discover a mystery.

Languages: English

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Language detective

Publication year: 2016

Students must solve the mystery of a strange letter received by their teacher and therefore engage in various activities related to languages and cultures.

Languages: English

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Languages and human rights

Publication year: 2013

The four activities are based on extracts of the universal declaration of human rights, translated into various languages. The participants are invited to draw on their knowledge of languages and use comprehension strategies in order to, first of all, guess what text is presented, then reconstruct an article, identify words in several translations or translate words.

Languages: English, French, English, English

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Le jeu des 7 familles - The game of 7 families

Publication year: 2014

With this activity you can discover the lexical proximity of six Germanic languages languages and reflect on syntactic and morphologic elements of these languages.

Languages: French, German, French, German

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Le lingue: origine delle parole, prestiti e calchi

Publication year: 2011

Students are requested to analyse Italian words and their description in the dictionary, to find out in which language their origins are.

Languages: Italian

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Le voleur des mots

Publication year: 2013

Students listen to a story in French about a thief depriving the people of their language’s words. On the basis of the text, they are led to discover the diversity of languages/linguistic varieties and its/their value. Furthermore the activity aims at developing a positive attitude towards any kind of linguistic variety.

Languages: French, French

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Lenguas de España

Publication year: 2011

This activity involves work with four languages: Spanish, Galician, Catalan and Basque.

Languages: Spanish

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Les différents états de l’eau

Publication year: 2000

Learners carry out experiments in connection with the water cycle (evaporation, condensation and fusion).

Languages: French

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Les règles du jeu

Publication year: 2011

This activity aims to ensure that students are familiar with experiences such as the status of oppressed and oppressors, so they can understand better the situation of those who are oppressed by someone else or who make part of a minority.

Languages: French

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Publication year: 2011

The teacher makes copies of worksheet 8.1.2 and cuts the letters. He glues the letters on little bags...

Languages: Dutch

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Publication year: 2011

The main purpose of the activity is to help the students realize the importance of knowing foreign languages.

Languages: English

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Maltese News

Publication year: 2013

Learners are given a number of short news items, in a language they do not know, Maltese. They are asked to read and try to understand the news contents. If they need help, they can ask for some hints which can guide them to get through the exercise.
The different activities will prompt learners to mobilize knowledge which they possess of other languages in order to try to formulate hypotheses.
They are asked to reflect upon the activities they have just carried out.

Languages: English, English, English

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Modalverben im Satz

Publication year: 2011

The student compares sentences in English and in German which contain/do not contain a modal verb (must / muss; can / kann…).

Languages: German, French

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Moi aussi!

Publication year: 2011

The overall goal of this activity is to make the students know their classmates and to show that we are all different but equal at the same time.

Languages: French

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Motion in the ocean

Publication year: 2011

The purpose of this activity is the exploration of the concept of linguistic borrowing in relation to the topic of the Oceans.

Languages: English

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Publication year: 2011

Learners of German as a foreign language are given a document showing items of food and what they are called in English.

Languages: German, English

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Non perdere la bussola

Publication year: 2000

The phenomenon of Earth’s magnetism is explored in this activity where learners discover how a magnetic compass works.

Languages: French

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Norden i Bio

Publication year: 2011

Research shows a tendency towards Nordic languages no longer being part of the school curriculum in the Nordic countries and that Nordic youngster have problems in understanding other Nordic languages.

Languages: Danish, Norwegian, Swedish

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Nos voisins les Français

Publication year: 2011

The activity aims at changing the negative idea about French people that Spanish students usually have.

Languages: French

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Publication year: 2011

A language card game in Danish, Norwegian and Swedish, developed by Swedish pupils.

Languages: Danish, English, Estonian, Finnish, Icelandic, Lithuanian, Latvian, Norwegian, Swedish

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Our beautiful earth: a view from space

Publication year: 2011

This activity deals with the issue of countries around the world focussing on their languages, greetings, e-mail adresses and time zones.

Languages: English, Danish, Estonian, Finnish, Icelandic, Lithuanian, Latvian, Swedish, Norwegian

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Our home – our world

Publication year: 2011

The activity helps the students to strengthen their awareness of cultural diversity in their immediate environment and in their town/region.

Languages: English

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Partager la discrimination

Publication year: 2011

The overall goal of this activity is to raise awareness of discrimination in everyday life, to promote empathy and to help participants gain confidence.

Languages: French

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Publication year: 2011

The purpose of this activity is to make pupils familiar with loanwords.

Languages: English

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Portugués a partir del español

Publication year: 2011

An activity designed for learners of Spanish as a foreign language at A1-B1 and for Spanish speaking students at secondary level.

Languages: Spanish

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Quand un égale deux : les deux présents

Publication year: 2011

Learners discover the value of the present in English while
In preparation for the first session, the pupils prepare a set of sentences at home...

Languages: French

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Quando la terra trema

Publication year: 2011

L’activité rédigée en 7 langues romanes (portugais, espagnol, catalan, occitan, français, italien, roumain) traite de l’activité sismique et de certaines catastrophes naturelles.

Languages: French

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Qué "raro" hablas!

Publication year: 2012

The students are given certain situations where they have to empathise with foreigners who don't speak the language and try to find other ways to communicate.

Languages: Spanish

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Que se passe-t-il lorsque je respire ?

Publication year: 2011

This activity deals with 7 romance languages: French, Romanian, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, Occitan and Catalan.

Languages: French

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Rien de ce qui est humain ne m’est étranger

Publication year: 2000

This activity brings the period of Humanism, the Renaissance and its great discoveries to the pupil’s attention.

Languages: French

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Si vols la pau… / Si queres la paz…

Publication year: 2017

The general aim is to introduce secondary school pupils into the world of linguistic diversity and the culture of peace, based on a social (attitudinal), linguistic and cultural approach.

The first two working areas aim to explain that acting for peace implies much more than not wanting war. The third focuses on different ways of expressing the idea of peace, and the fourth on different ways of expressing and representing peace in other languages and cultures.

Languages: Spanish, Catalan, English, English, English

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Some languages of Europe … and elsewhere! 2

Publication year: 2012

The main purpose of this activity is to make participants recognise which fragments of texts belong to the same language and to put these fragments into the right order to get a coherent sequence.

Languages: English, French, Armenian, English, English, English

Average rating 4 based on 1 votes (1 ratings, 1 comments)

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Somos iguales, comemos diferente

Publication year: 2012

Pupils are presented a situation. The students should play different roles and learn that not everyone eats the same.

Languages: Spanish

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Sprog og Samfund

Publication year: 2011

University teacher Hans Arndt introduces over 7 pages the subject of “Language and society” and proposes different exercises.

Languages: Danish

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Story about languages

Publication year: 2011

This activity makes the pupils aware of the evolution of languages.

Languages: English

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Publication year: 2011

The teacher makes copies of worksheets 5.2.1 and 5.2.2. The students are asked to divide the words which show similarities into three groups.

Languages: Dutch

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Publication year: 2011

The activity is designed for a class where there are children speaking different mother languages.

Languages: Dutch

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Publication year: 2011

During this activity the students play the game UNO with 48 cards (40 normal cards and 8 special cards).

Languages: Dutch

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The Legend of the White Eagle I

Publication year: 2013

The students read the Polish legend “The Legend of the White Eagle” in form of a script which describes the formation of Poland. They get familiarized with (Polish) national symbols and the concepts of tribe, nation and emblem and learn about the common cultural roots of Slavic nations. Furthermore, they gain an insight into six foreign languages by analyzing short parts of the legend in these languages.

Languages: English, Polish

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The Legend of the White Eagle II

Publication year: 2013

The purpose of the lesson is to find and to compare words, phrases and national symbols in some European languages and to draw a parallel between them and the same phrases in Arabic. The students should notice the meaning of other national symbols and find similarities between languages of the same language family.

Languages: English, Polish

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The Legend of the White Eagle III

Publication year: 2013

In this activity the students get familiarized with different alphabets (Roman, Cyrillic and Arabic alphabet), writing systems and the history of writing on the basis of the Polish legend “The Legend of the White Eagle” and its translation into six foreign languages. With a focus on the Indo-European language family and its subfamilies, the students’ attention for the common linguistic and cultural roots of Europe will be attracted. Furthermore, the analysis of negative clauses in various languages supports Language Awareness.

Languages: English, Polish

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Tic Tac

Publication year: 2011

The activity in question was designed for pupils who share Portuguese as their mother tongue (Brazilians) with the aim of improving both their interactional abilities in the Spanish language and their knowledge of cultural particularities linked to the notion of time in Spanish.

Languages: Spanish

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Tiempo al tiempo: la relación con el tiempo en la diversidad cultural y sus elementos paralingüísticos (I)

Publication year: 2011

The activity in question is the first of the two releases aimed at the familiarization of the Spanish Foreign Language (ELE) students with the time and schedule particularities of the Spanish culture.

Languages: Spanish

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Trobadors, la prima en Europa

Publication year: 2011

This activity, compiled in 7 romance languages (Portughese, Spanish, Catalan, Occitan, French, Italian and Roumanian) deals with the Middle Ages, the times of troubadours and the Crusades (X – XIII centuries) through extracts from songs and historical commentaries discussing the social and geopolitical context of the period.

Languages: French

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Une chanson de Céline Dion

Publication year: 2011

This is an activity developed during a course of plurilingualism at the University Justus-Liebig-Universität Gießen, Germany.

Languages: German

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Vente pa' Madrid. Pero… ¡qué raro!

Publication year: 2011

This activity is catered for Portuguese Mother Tongue and Spanish Foreign Language (ELE) students of Brazilian origin, who are looking into the peculiarities of the Spanish culture, and are about to get acquainted with the city of Madrid (it doesn´t really matter whether the pupils have already been to the Spanish capital before).

Languages: Spanish

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Publication year: 2012

The objective of this extensive teaching material is to lead the pupils to discover cultural similarities and differences, focusing on first names as an essential part of our identity.

Languages: German

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Vous face aux stéréotypes

Publication year: 2011

The general aim of this activity is to bring learners to reflect about their reactions when confronted with national stereotypes. The teacher will carry out a session of brainstorming by asking questions about stereotypes.

Languages: French

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