A framework of reference for pluralistic approaches

Teaching and learning materials

This database aims to facilitate teachers access to educational materials relevant to pluralistic approaches to languages and cultures. This way they will be able to help learners appropriate their knowledge, attitudes, and skills as described in the lists of descriptors. The materials, available to download, can be selected according to various criteria: objectives (as expressed by the FREPA descriptors), levels of training, thematic areas, the type of pluralistic approach, and the language of instruction.
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Theme: cultural contacts

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« Reussir une rencontre avec une autre personne (exercice 1) »

Publication year: 2011

Learners must organise elements by order of importance when one wants a successful meeting with another person.

Languages: French

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A la découverte de mon quartier

Publication year: 2011

Students have to work in groups to create posters, models, etc. that represent the main streets of their town/district area including their linguistic/cultural diversity and then they have to present it to another class in another linguistic and geographical context.

Languages: French

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A la découverte de notre quartier

Publication year: 2011

Students have to work in groups to create posters, models, etc. that represent the main streets of their town/district area including their linguistic/cultural diversity and then they have to present it to another class in another linguistic and geographical context.

Languages: French

Average rating 0 based on 0 votes (0 ratings, 0 comments)

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Cartographies des mobilités culturelles

Publication year: 2011

This activity raises a threefold question:
1) about family roots, the origins of each one of us,
2) about cultural mobility that pupils have already had or are planning
3) about networks of relationships all around the world.

Languages: French

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Die lange Reise der Wörter

Publication year: 2017

Students discover in a playful way that there is a lively exchange between languages. They can find out that loan words don’t refer exclusively to the linguistic but also to the cultural level. Mostly, foreign words and loan words are borrowed as terms of new objects, new techniques or concepts.

Languages: German

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Fairy tales

Publication year: 2011

The objective of the activity is to challenge the pupils’ ability to write/talk in different languages about fairy tales in different cultures.

Languages: English, Danish, Estonian, Finnish, Icelandic, Lithuanian, Latvian, Norwegian, Swedish

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Interview d'étudiants

Publication year: 2011

Pupils view a sequence (in four parts) features a bilingual interview: the interviewer asks in French and the person interviewed answers in Portughese.

Languages: French

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La amabilidad como puerta a la interculturalidad

Publication year: 2011

The principal goal of the activity is to make pupils of a multiethnic group aware of the differences that exist in their cultures and, consequently, in their non-verbal communication.

Languages: Spanish

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