Un cadre de référence pour les approches plurielles

REPT og pluralistiske tilgange til sprog og kulturer

REPT - et overblik

Hvad handler det om? REPT beskriver, hvad interkulturelle og flersprogede kompetencer er, samt hvordan disse konkret kan styrkes gennem såkaldte pluralistiske tilgange til sprog og kultur. REPT bidrager derigennem i høj grad til at opnå de mål, som Eurorådet har fremført inden for feltet sprog- og kulturpædagogik. 

Hvad er pluralistiske tilgange? Begrebet pluralistiske tilgange til sprog og kulturer refererer til didaktiske metoder, som bruger undervisnings- og læringsaktiviteter, der tager udgangspunkt i flere sproglige og kulturelle varieteter (dvs. mere end én) for at styrke interkulturelle og flersprogede kompetencer.  Dette står i modsætning til…

Hvem burde vide noget om REPT? Principielt alle lærere i alle fag, der interesserer sig for flersproget og interkulturel pædagogik, undervisere på læreruddannelsen, beslutningstagere, curriculum designere, lærebogsforfattere.  

REPT tilbyder:
• en systematisk opstilling og beskrivelse af kompetencer og resurser (viden, færdigheder, holdninger), som kan styrkes i rammen af en flersproget og interkulturel pædagogik... 
• en database med undervisningsmateriale
• et online-efteruddannelsesprogram (som kan bruges som selvstudie eller i undervisningen)

Pluralistiske tilgange til sprog og kulturer

The term Pluralistic Approaches to Languages and Cultures refers to didactic approaches which involve the use of several (or at least more than one) varieties of languages or cultures simultaneously during the teaching process. This is to be contrasted with approaches which could be called “singular” in which the didactic approach takes account of only one language or a particular culture, considered in isolation. Singular approaches of this kind were particularly valued when structural and later “communicative” methods were developed and all translation and all resort to the first language was banished from the teaching process.

Language teaching methodology has seen the emergence of four pluralistic approaches over the past thirty years:

Hvorfor kompetencer og ressourcer?

Kompetencer have to be understood as follows:

  • competences are linked to situations, to complex tasks which have social relevance; they are in this way “situated” and have a social function;
  • they are units with a degree of complexity;
  • they call on different internal resources (generally a mix of knowledge, attitudes and skills) and external resources (dictionaries, mediators, etc.).

The descriptions given in FREPA competences and resources concern essentially two domains of competences:

  1. The competence to manage linguistic and cultural communication within a context of otherness
  2. The competence of constructing and developing a pluralistic repertoire of languages and cultures

FREPA identifies resources which are mobilised through these competences. These resources are presented in the form of descriptors.

Resurser (knowledge, attitudes and skills):

The term resources is generally used for internal resources. 

Internal resources (as well as the use of external resources, but not competences) can be taught in situations/ tasks which are at least partly decontextualised.

Competences are viewed mainly in the domain of social usage / needs, while resources seem rather to belong to the domain of cognitive (and developmental) psychology. In this view it is indeed competences which come into play when one engages with a task.

However, it is probably the resources that one can – to a certain point – distinguish and list, defining them in terms of mastery and working on them in educational practice.

Tilgang til REPT's deskriptorliste

The descriptors are accessible in different ways and in different languages:

  • They are presented in this Website by using an hypertext format which makes visual exploration easier.
    You can see them either in English (click on tab Descriptors at the top of the present page), or in French (tab Descripteurs),or in German (tab Deskriptoren)
  • They are part of the document FREPA – Competences and resources     
    See under tab Components (English) / Éléments (French) / Instrumente (German) at the top of the present page.
    (For network members: if this document has been translated into your language, replace the last sentence through : See the version in LLL on the right pane !)
  • They are also presented in the online documentation FREPA - Tables of descriptors across the curriculum, using hypertext too, but with an additional graphical representation which situates each element of the tables in the learner’s curriculum.
    See under tab Components (English) / Éléments (French) / Instrumente (German) at the top of the present page.


Databasen REPT, online undervisningsmaterialer, tilbyder undervisningsaktiviteter, der falder ind under pluralistiske tilgange til sprog og kulturer.

Formålet med denne samling af materialer, som omfatter input på forskellige sprog, er at lette adgangen til aktiviteter i klasseværelset, hvilket vil hjælpe eleverne til at beherske den viden og de færdigheder og holdninger, som systemet angiver som ressourcer, og som kan udvikles af pluralistiske tilgange. Alle foreslåede materialer henviser udtrykkeligt til deskriptorer for ressourcer, som kan findes i REPT-systemet.

Du kan anvende databasen enten på engelsk (fanebladet Teaching materials (Undervisningsmaterialer) øverst på denne side) eller på fransk (fanebladet Matériaux didactiques).

Nedenfor finder du nogle eksempler på materialer på dansk.

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