A framework of reference for pluralistic approaches

Teaching and learning materials

This database aims to facilitate teachers access to educational materials relevant to pluralistic approaches to languages and cultures. This way they will be able to help learners appropriate their knowledge, attitudes, and skills as described in the lists of descriptors. The materials, available to download, can be selected according to various criteria: objectives (as expressed by the FREPA descriptors), levels of training, thematic areas, the type of pluralistic approach, and the language of instruction.

Dessins réflexifs

Short description:
This webquest entitled (Tales of the World) aims at studying the tales of four countries (China, Morocco, Senegal and India) in order to create a presentation containing information on each country, its music, images and a glossary about the story chosen by each pupil.
Level of instruction:
Secondary 2 and beyond


A 16.01
A 16.01.01
A 16.02
A 16.02.01
A 16.02.02
A 17.01
A 17.02
A 17.04
A 19
A 19.01
A 19.02
K 07
K 07.01.01
K 07.01.04
K 07.06
S 04.03

This webquest entitled (Tales of the World) aims at studying the tales of four countries (China, Morocco, Senegal and India) in order to create a presentation containing information on each country, its music, images and a glossary about the story chosen by each pupil.
The objectives are: to develop a power point presentation containing information about a common theme in English (a tale); to contribute to the development of pupils' curiosity about other cultures and languages using supports and studying subjects which can arise their interest; to make them work in an autonomous way with the guidance of the teacher.
The activity should foster: active participation and collaboration among pupils and between them and the teacher; interest, attention and respect of other’s interventions; understanding of written information (work material, information, stories, ...); ability to answer questions about a text and production of short texts using Information and Communication Technologies in Education.

Approach: 1- Intercultural / 2- Awakening to languages

Type of material: xxxxxx

Adapted from 2 other activities:

- CRTF. 2009. Le dessin réflexif. Elément d’une herméneutique du sujet plurilingue. Molinié, M. (dir.). Cergy : Encrages-Belles Lettres.

- Molinié, M. 2005. Retracer son apprentissage : pour quoi faire ? A.I.L.E. n°23.

Document (French)
If you wish to link directly to this page, use the following hyperlink: https://carap.ecml.at/Materials/id/17933




The FREPA descriptors

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