A framework of reference for pluralistic approaches

Teaching and learning materials

This database aims to facilitate teachers access to educational materials relevant to pluralistic approaches to languages and cultures. This way they will be able to help learners appropriate their knowledge, attitudes, and skills as described in the lists of descriptors. The materials, available to download, can be selected according to various criteria: objectives (as expressed by the FREPA descriptors), levels of training, thematic areas, the type of pluralistic approach, and the language of instruction.




Publication year: 2011

This activity deals with work on stereotyping and prejudice about other cultures...

Languages: Norwegian

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Dans l’univers des noms et des prénoms

Publication year: 2011

The activities referred to in this card take place in three stages : the first, entitled Presenting my first name should take 4 sessions of 60 minutes during which learners looks up the origin and meaning of their first anmes, interview colleagues and present the ethymology of their first names, tell and listen to anecdotes about choice of names, and, in the domain of morphology, look up the masculine and feminine forms of first names.

Languages: French

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Dans notre immeuble

Publication year: 2011

The overall goals of this role play are to make students "analyse (their) attitudes towards people of different social and cultural groups”, “explore strategies for conflict resolution”, “reflect on the limits of tolerance” and “reflect on the relationship between discrimination and conflict of interest".

Languages: Norwegian

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Das russische Märchen “Die Rübe”

Publication year: 2011

In this activity each paragraph of the Russian tale “The enormous turnip” is written in a different language (English, French, Latin or Russian). The learner is asked to identify and mark the same words in different languages. In a second step, the learner is requested to find equivalents of Russian words within some other Slavic languages.

Languages: French

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De tú a tú

Publication year: 2011

The main goal of this activity is to introduce and familiarize the target students with some social norms of public behavior and rules of address in the Spanish culture (volume of speech, eye contact, etc.).

Languages: English , Polish

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Déchiffrer le monde

Publication year: 2011

Through work on 6 activities written in 7 romance languages: Portughese, Occitan, French, Italian, Spanish, Rumanian and Catalan, the learner gets to present numeric data in tables and graphs, as well as to understand the proportionality...

Languages: German , English

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Des situations conflictuelles (exercice 13)

Publication year: 2012

L’apprenant est confronté à des situations conflictuelles et il/elle doit apporter un argument positif pour défendre la personne incriminée.

Languages: English

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Dessins réflexifs

Publication year: 2011

This webquest entitled (Tales of the World) aims at studying the tales of four countries (China, Morocco, Senegal and India) in order to create a presentation containing information on each country, its music, images and a glossary about the story chosen by each pupil.

Languages: French

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Devine qui vient dîner ce soir

Publication year: 2011

The overall aim of this role play is to get students to "analyze the messages handed down by family about people of different social and cultural background" so that they are "aware of the role of family in the transmission social values ".

Languages: Spanish

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Die lange Reise der Wörter

Publication year: 2017

Students discover in a playful way that there is a lively exchange between languages. They can find out that loan words don’t refer exclusively to the linguistic but also to the cultural level. Mostly, foreign words and loan words are borrowed as terms of new objects, new techniques or concepts.


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