A framework of reference for pluralistic approaches

Teaching and learning materials

This database aims to facilitate teachers access to educational materials relevant to pluralistic approaches to languages and cultures. This way they will be able to help learners appropriate their knowledge, attitudes, and skills as described in the lists of descriptors. The materials, available to download, can be selected according to various criteria: objectives (as expressed by the FREPA descriptors), levels of training, thematic areas, the type of pluralistic approach, and the language of instruction.



Antonio et Ali

Publication year: 2011

The main objective of this activity is to make students reflect on their images about others’ culture and the possibility to change these points of view by removing traditional stereotypes.

Languages: English , other Languages

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Arab írás (Arabian script)

Publication year: 2011

Les élèves sont amenés à réfléchir sur le fonctionnement d’une écriture alphabétique autre que l’écriture latine : ils observent des textes pris dans les contes de Mille et une nuits.

Languages: Spanish

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Body part Mathematics

Publication year: 2011

The purpose of this exercise is to explore multicultural/-lingual aspects of body part mathematics – counting and measuring.


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Publication year: 2011

Students watch a video in which children say “Good morning” in 17 different languages.

Languages: English , Icelandic , Danish

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Cartographies des mobilités culturelles

Publication year: 2011

This activity raises a threefold question:
1) about family roots, the origins of each one of us,
2) about cultural mobility that pupils have already had or are planning
3) about networks of relationships all around the world.


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Publication year: 2011

The teacher makes copies of worksheet 7.2.1 for each student.

Languages: French

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Publication year: 2012

The purpose of this activity is to compare different habits and ways of preparing coffee in various cultures and to research the words ‘milk’ and ‘coffee’ in different languages.


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Comer para viver

Publication year: 2011

This activity, compiled in 7 romance languages (Portughese, Spanish, Catalan, Occitan, French, Italian and Roumanian) deals with the food chain of living beings.

Languages: French

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Comment s’appellent les Français/es ?/ ¿Cómo se llaman los españoles?

Publication year: 2014

The object of this activity is to familiarize the students with first and last names which are linked to particular languages / cultures, as well as to raise awareness to possible existence of the same or similar names in other languages they know.


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Como dos gotas de agua

Publication year: 2011

The aims of this activity are: to identify the languages that appear in the texts (Gaelic, English, French, Catalan, Spanish, Italian, German), to indicate those words that are similar to Spanish words and to complete a table with some Italian words, Gaelic, English, French, German and Catalan.

Languages: Spanish

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