Ein Referenzrahmen für plurale Ansätze   
     zu Sprachen und Kulturen


Diese Datenbank bietet Lehrenden Zugang zu Unterrichtsmaterialien im Bereich plurale Ansätze zu Sprachen und Kulturen. Mit Hilfe dieser Unterlagen können sie die Lernenden im Erwerb von deklarativem Wissen, persönlichkeitsbezogenen Kompetenzen und Fertigkeiten und prozeduralem Wissen, wie sie in der Deskriptorenliste beschrieben werden, unterstützen. Diese online verfügbaren Materialien können nach verschiedenen Kriterien ausgewählt werden, nämlich nach den geplanten Lernzielen (wie in den REPA-Deskriptoren beschrieben), den Unterrichtsstufen, den thematischen Bereichen, der Art des pluralen Ansatzes und der Unterrichtssprache.

Durante la pausa – Espressioni tipiche del gergo giovanile

Short description:
The overall aim of this activity is to familiarize the students with the existence of different registers and degrees of formality in a language and to reflect on their use in different languages.


A 02.02.02
K 03.02
K 06.02.01
K 06.02.02
K 09.02.02
S 03.09.01
S 06.03.03
S 06.05.02

The overall aim of this activity is to familiarize the students with the existence of different registers and degrees of formality in a language.

In the first part of the activity, the students are supposed to listen to a conversation and answer questions related to it. The transcript of the conversation provided in the textbook allows the students to check their answers.

In the following part of the activity, the students are provided with a table containing colloquial expressions taken from the youth language from the text and their counterparts in Italian. The translations of colloquial expressions into German are given in a box below the table. There are three stages to this part:

Firstly, the students are asked to connect the corresponding colloquialisms in Italian and in German.

Afterwards, the students are asked to provide their translations of the standard expressions into German.

In the end, the students are asked to discuss and compare possible similarities and differences between Italian, German, and possibly other languages they know.

N.B. There are equivalent activities available in French, Italian and Spanish.

Duration: 2x45

Rückl et al. (2012) Scopriamo l’italiano. Italienisch interlingual, Lehr- und Arbeitsbuch mit interaktiver CD-ROM. Wien: Verlag Hölder-Pichler-Tempsky.
Online access : http://verlaghpt.at/Flipbooks/SCOPRIAMO/

Use this link if you want to link directly to this teaching material: https://carap.ecml.at/Materials/id/17983



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