Ein Referenzrahmen für plurale Ansätze   
     zu Sprachen und Kulturen


1. Framework of reference for pluralistic approaches to languages and cultures - FREPA/CARAP (produced within the ALC project and redefined during the current CARAP project term)

Table of global competences

2. Lists of descriptors

These lists are included in the CARAP reference document, and they present main descriptors as well as subcategories of descriptors.

Lists of descriptors in English

List of descriptors in German

Lists of descriptors in Spanish

3. Tables of descriptors across the curriculum

These tables reproduce the lists of resources included in the CARAP reference document (knowledge, skills and attitudes) with an (approximate) indication of their relevance at different phases of the curriculum.

Tables in English

Tables in German

Tables in Spanish

In the tables containing descriptors, the subcategories appear as "commentaries" . It allows for a better overview, especially if you are consulting the tables on a monitor.
If you are using a printed version of these tables, the sub-categories will not be visible. You will need to complete your printed version with the lists proposed hereunder, featuring only the sub-categories:

Subcategories in English:

Subcategories in German:

Subcategories in Spanish:

4. Instructions for use

5. The Teaching Materials Bank (BMD)

(available directly on the tab 'Teaching materials" within above the horizontal menu)

6. Documents for teacher training

(available directly on the tab 'Teacher training" within the above horizontal menu)

7. PowerPoint presentations about pluralistic approaches and the CARAP project:

Workshop 2011 February

Presentation of pluralistic approaches by Michel Candelier (workshop in February 2011)

Intercomprehension presented by Ildikó Lőrincz

Education plurilingue et interculturelle presented by Ildikó Lőrincz

8. Glossary: