Integrated didactic approach to languages
The Integrated didactic approach to languages (IDAL, also known as Integrated language teaching and learning) corresponds to what some English-speaking authors call a Crosslinguistic Approach to Second / Foreign Language Teaching, Crosslinguistic Pedagogy or Teaching for Transfer. It is directed towards helping learners to establish links between a limited number of languages, which are taught within the school curriculum. IDAL works on the central principle advocated by pluralistic approaches of capitalising on what is already known in order to access what is less known : the language of schooling for accessing the first foreign language, which can then be used as a springboard to facilitate the acquisition of a second foreign language etc., keeping in mind that mutual support between languages goes in both directions.This approach does not neglect the home languages of the learners either, especially when they are explicitly taught.
In La didactique intégrée des langues - Apprendre une langue avec d'autres langues (Candelier & Manno 2023, 27) an updated and expanded definition of IDAL can be found, which takes account of the general development of this approach over the previous ten years: “Integrated language teaching and learning [= the Integrated didactic approach to languages] aims to help learners make connections between a language they are learning and other languages present in their developing repertoire. In addition, Integrated language teaching aims to help learners make connections with language learning and processing strategies developed in relation to other languages.” In this definition, the languages on which learning is based extend beyond those taught in school: they are those in the learner's repertoire. In addition to transfers from one language to another, this definition also includes transfers of strategies that have been built up during previous language learning. Diagram.

IDAL can be applied to the teaching of any language, whatever its status. It also applies to bilingual teaching whenever languages are brought into contact.
Like the approach Intercomprehension between related languages, IDAL often uses activities based on similarities between languages. However, unlike this approach, IDAL does not focus solely on written or oral comprehension of other languages, but also aims at the development of production skills.