Project events
Workshop in the framework of Bundeskongress der Vereinigung der Französischlehrerinnen und –lehrer(28 February - 2 March 2013)
28 February 2013
Der „Referenzrahmen für Plurale Ansätze zu Sprachen und Kulturen“ - Neue Sprachlernerlebnisse durch sprachenübergreifendes Lernen im Französischunterricht
Venue: Bochum, Germany
ECML expert(s): Maik Böing and Anna Schröder-Sura, Germany
Local organiser: Vereinigung der Französischlehrerinnen und -lehrer in cooperation with Romanisches Seminar der Ruhr-Universität-Bochum, Universitätsstraße 150, 44801 Bochum,
Participants: Teachers of French, teacher trainers, decision makers
Presentation of FREPA/CARAP, Italy
Date: 18 March 2013
Title: Lingue e (nuovi) cittadini
Venue: Spazio Europa, Via IV Novembre 149. Rome
ECML expert: Anna Maria Curci, project team member of CARAP national networks
Local organisation: LEND- Movimento di lingua e nuova didattica
Participants: Teachers of Italian L1 and L2, teachers of modern and classical languages, in-service training experts
For more information visit: //
programme: //
Presentation of FREPA/CARAP, Italy
Date: 20 March 2013
Title: Stare tra le lingue e le culture
Venue: Educandato Statale "Agli angeli", Verona
Moderator: Eduardo Logarini
Local organisation: LEND - Movimento di lingua e nuova didattica
Participants: Teachers of Italian L1 and L2, teachers of modern and classical languages, in-service training experts
For more information visit:
website of the event // and
programme: //
National Event, Poland
5-6 April 2013
Jak rozwijać kompetencje różnojęzyczne i międzykulturowe – prezentacja narzędzi projektu FREPA (A Framework for Pluralistic Approaches to Languages and Cultures)
Venue: Warsaw, Poland
Moderators: Anna Schröder-Sura, Germany; Michel Candelier, France
Local organiser: Justyna Lesisz, Centre for Education Development (ORE), Warsaw, Poland
Participants: Polish teachers and teacher trainers
Training activity, Switzerland
2 May 2013
Conoscere il CARAP, uno strumento per l’insegnamento plurilingue et pluriculturale
Venue: Bellinzona, Switzerland
Moderators: Michel Candelier, France; Jean-Francois de Pietro, Switzerland
Local organiser: Ufficio insegnamento medio, Divisione della scuola, Bellinzona (Ticino)
Participants: approx 40, experts in modern language teaching in Tessin at lower secondary level, curriculum designers, inspectors at primary school level
ECML contribution: publication CARAP
National event, Croatia
10 May 2013
“Plurilingual and intercultural competences: Descriptors and teaching materials” (CARAP national networks)
Venue: Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Congress hall, Osijek, Croatia
Moderators: Michel Candelier, France; Ildikó Lőrincz, Hungary
Local organiser: Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Osijek, L. Jägera 9, 31 000 Osijek, Croatia; Ninočka Truck-Biljan, Lecturer and National Contact Point for Croatia,
Participants: up to 100 student language teachers, university professors, as well as representatives of decision makers from the main educational institutions in Croatia (Croatian Education and Teacher Training Agency)
Expert meeting
27-28 June 2013
Venue: ECML, Graz, Austria
Coordinator: Anna Schröder-Sura, Germany
Participants: project team and Marisa Cavalli, programme consultant
Training event organised in the framework of the project “Empowering language networks” (LACS)
5 September 2013
Presentations and workshops by experts of the following ECML projects: “Plurilingual and intercultural competences: Descriptors and teaching materials” (CARAP national networks); “Using open resources to develop online teaching skills” (MoreDOTS)
Venue: Malta
ECML experts: Petra Daryai-Hansen, FREPA/CARAP national networks, Denmark; Martina Emke, MoreDOTS, Germany
Local organiser: Daniel Xerri, Malta
Project sites: //, //; //
National event, Armenia
10-11 September 2013
Venue: Yerevan State Linguistic University “Brusov” /YSLU/, Yerevan, Armenia
Moderators: Anna Schröder-Sura, Germany; Michel Candelier, France
Local organiser: Yerevan State Linguistic University “Brusov” /YSLU/, Yerevan, Armenia
Participants: up to 60 school teachers with an interest in plurilingual and intercultural education, teacher trainers, textbook writers, curriculum/programme designers
more information
National event, Lithuania
7-9 November 2013
5th International scientific conference "Linguistic, Pedagogical and Intercultural Challenges in Tertiary Education"
Venue: Vilnius University, Institute of Foreign Languages
Moderators: Petra Gilliyard Daryai-Hansen, Denmark; Ildikó Lőrincz, Hungary
Local organiser: Institute of Foreign Language,Vilnius University,Universiteto St. 5, LT-01513 Vilnius, Lithuania, Tel.: +370 5 2687263; +370 5 2687264, Fax: +370 5 2687265, E-mail:
Participants: researchers, teachers, teacher trainers, experts in education, students in education, curriculum designers, decision makers
Website: //
Conference programme: 1 - 2
Expert meeting
26-27 January 2012
"Plurilingual and intercultural competences : Descriptors and teaching materials" (CARAP / FREPA -ECML National Contacts)
Venue: ECML, Graz, Austria
Coordinator: Anna Schröder-Sura, Germany
Participants: project team
Network Meeting
31 May - 01 June 2012
"Plurilingual and intercultural competences : Descriptors and teaching materials" (CARAP/FREPA-ECML National Contacts)
Venue: ECML, Graz, Austria
Coordinator: Anna Schröder-Sura, Germany
Co-animators: Michel Candelier, France; Petra Gilliyard Daryai-Hansen, Denmark; Ildikó Lörincz, Hungary.
Participants: ECML National Contact Points and members of the existing CARAP / FREPA network
National support event
13 September 2012
“Intercultural education – pluralistic approaches to languages and cultures“
Venue: Podgorica, Montenegro
Expert: Ildikó Lőrincz, Hungary
Local organiser: Vanja Madzgalj, British Council of Podgorica with the collaboration of Nataša Perić, Bureau for Education Services Montenegro (Samostalni savjetnik za međunarodnu saradnju, Zavod za školstvo) and the ECML national contact point of Montenegro
Participants: up to 200 teachers of English, French, Italian, German and Russian as well as decision makers from the main educational institutions in Montenegro
21-23 November 2012
"Plurilingual and intercultural competences : Descriptors and teaching materials" (CARAP/FREPA-ECML National Contacts)
Venue: ECML, Graz, Austria
Coordinator: Anna Schröder-Sura, Germany
Co-animators: Michel Candelier, France; Petra Gilliyard Daryai-Hansen, Denmark; Jean-François de Pietro, Switzerland; Ildikó Lörincz, Hungary; Danièle Moore, Canada
Profile of workshop participants
Professional background
Persons with experience of teacher training and responsible for dissemination within national institutions that are informed about the work of the ECML, preferably ECML National Contact. read more
Download the Discovery Module: the PowerPoint Presentation, the activity Europe&elsewhere and
the teacher guidelines for teacher trainers.
Download the PowerPoint Presentation
Download the activity Europe&elsewhere and the
Activity Key (This activity is an abbreviated version of the activity Euroguyane in 11 languages, which has been used in teacher training in Japan 2011-2012. This activity is available in French in the Discovery Module section under the PowerPoint Presentation section)
Download the
Evaluation Questionnaire, that can be used to analyse how the participants respond to pluralistic approaches and the FREPA.
presentation of the pluralistic approaches
Intercultural Approach (Petra Gilliyard Daryai-Hansen & Danièle Moore)
Awakening to Languages (Jean-François de Pietro & Ildikó Lörincz)
Integrated Didactics (Michel Candelier)
OTHER presentations
Educating teachers to pluralistic approaches and to their Framework of Reference (FREPA) in Japan - Some results (FR/EN) (Results from the Evaluation Questionnaire, Michel Candelier & Maya Oyama)
How to enrich the bank of teaching materials: criterias (Ildikó Lörincz) -
Critera for selecting teaching materials
FREPA in Immersion programms. An example in a Canadian classroom: Lire la ville (Danièle Moore - in French)
Autres documents
Points and members of the existing CARAP / FREPA-network.
Teacher trainers at institutions entrusted with training missions by the education authorities or at universities. Inspectors responsible for training.
Experience, competences required
Experience of workshop organisation for dissemination and training, ability to work in an international team, basic computer skills, knowledge of English and/or French.
Good knowledge of recent developments within teaching and in particular of the proposals of the Council of Europe. If possible, prior knowledge of pluralistic approaches. Capacity to engage in the project online and in real time. Knowledge of German as an additional language is an appreciated asset.
Expected involvement/tasks before, during and after the event
Before the event: Become acquainted with documents from the Council of Europe that promote pluralistic approaches; become aware of the tools developed within the CARAP / FREPA project; elaborate proposals for dissemination within the respective country for workshop discussion.
During the event
Set up a dissemination plan adapted to the specific context, involving a national event and/or a regional meeting; discuss opportunities for cooperation with the network.
After the event
Contact relevant players that can support the dissemination; support the network in its national actions; participate in the organisation of training in the country; mention the project in official publications.