PowerPoint presentations
Some of these presentations were prepared at an earlier stage of the CARAP project and as such, contain some minor differences with regard to CARAP in its current state.
(N.B.: Other Powerpoint presentations - in several languages - can be downloaded from some of the country pages.)
Discovery module
- English version which can be used as a reference for translation into other languages
(used in Croatia - May 2013)
Download the PowerPoint Presentation
Download the activity Europe&elsewhere and the
Activity Key (This activity is an abbreviated version of the activity Euroguyane in 11 languages, which has been used in teacher training in Japan 2011-2012. This activity is available in French in the Discovery Module section of the French version of the present page).
Download the
Evaluation Questionnaire (version: April 2016).
It can be used to analyse how the participants respond to pluralistic approaches and the FREPA.
Learning to use the FREPA tools
(under development)
ECML conference 2011
Download PowerPoint presentation "Project impact in Castilla y León (Spain) - Vega Llorente Pinto"
FREPA, a complement for the CEFR?
Powerpoint text
For our Japanese friends
Introduction to CARAP (Workshops) / CARAPの概論(ワークショップ、(2012)
Plurale Ansätze and europäische Sprachpolitik / 多元的アプローチと欧州言語政策
- 欧州評議会から外国語教室にいたるまで…『言語・文化への多元的アプローチ』への長い道のり (1) - (2)
Awakening to languages (University of Keio) / 言語への目覚め活動 (慶応大学) (2012)
... and a translation of FREPA lists of descriptors of resources / CARAPの能力記述文リスト日本語訳 (New!)
Discovery module used during CARAP workshops - Pluralistic approaches in Japan 2011-2012
Download the material - d'une part le PowerPoint, d'autre part une activité préalable (Euroguyane) avec 11 langues (en choisir 4 ou 5 en fonction des publics !) :
Download the PowerPoint presentation
Download the "Euroguyane" activity - Télécharger le corrigé