A framework of reference for pluralistic approaches

Teaching and learning materials

This database aims to facilitate teachers access to educational materials relevant to pluralistic approaches to languages and cultures. This way they will be able to help learners appropriate their knowledge, attitudes, and skills as described in the lists of descriptors. The materials, available to download, can be selected according to various criteria: objectives (as expressed by the FREPA descriptors), levels of training, thematic areas, the type of pluralistic approach, and the language of instruction.



La souris plurilingue

Publication year: 2011

The activity wants to sensitize the learner for foreign languages. The story is available in ten different languages. The learner gets the story in at least two languages which he does not know. Then he is requested to find hints to relate the text with the correct language...

Languages: German

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Language detective

Publication year: 2011

In this activity the students become language detectives and try to discover a mystery.

Languages: Spanish

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Language detective

Publication year: 2016

Students must solve the mystery of a strange letter received by their teacher and therefore engage in various activities related to languages and cultures.


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Languages and human rights

Publication year: 2013

The four activities are based on extracts of the universal declaration of human rights, translated into various languages. The participants are invited to draw on their knowledge of languages and use comprehension strategies in order to, first of all, guess what text is presented, then reconstruct an article, identify words in several translations or translate words.


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Le jeu des 7 familles - The game of 7 families

Publication year: 2014

With this activity you can discover the lexical proximity of six Germanic languages languages and reflect on syntactic and morphologic elements of these languages.


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Le lingue: origine delle parole, prestiti e calchi

Publication year: 2011

Students are requested to analyse Italian words and their description in the dictionary, to find out in which language their origins are.

Languages: English , Icelandic

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Le voleur des mots

Publication year: 2013

Students listen to a story in French about a thief depriving the people of their language’s words. On the basis of the text, they are led to discover the diversity of languages/linguistic varieties and its/their value. Furthermore the activity aims at developing a positive attitude towards any kind of linguistic variety.

Languages: Italian , German

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Lenguas de España

Publication year: 2011

This activity involves work with four languages: Spanish, Galician, Catalan and Basque.

Languages: French

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Les différents états de l’eau

Publication year: 2000

Learners carry out experiments in connection with the water cycle (evaporation, condensation and fusion).

Languages: French

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Les règles du jeu

Publication year: 2011

This activity aims to ensure that students are familiar with experiences such as the status of oppressed and oppressors, so they can understand better the situation of those who are oppressed by someone else or who make part of a minority.

Languages: Spanish

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