Ein Referenzrahmen für plurale Ansätze   
     zu Sprachen und Kulturen


Diese Datenbank bietet Lehrenden Zugang zu Unterrichtsmaterialien im Bereich plurale Ansätze zu Sprachen und Kulturen. Mit Hilfe dieser Unterlagen können sie die Lernenden im Erwerb von deklarativem Wissen, persönlichkeitsbezogenen Kompetenzen und Fertigkeiten und prozeduralem Wissen, wie sie in der Deskriptorenliste beschrieben werden, unterstützen. Diese online verfügbaren Materialien können nach verschiedenen Kriterien ausgewählt werden, nämlich nach den geplanten Lernzielen (wie in den REPA-Deskriptoren beschrieben), den Unterrichtsstufen, den thematischen Bereichen, der Art des pluralen Ansatzes und der Unterrichtssprache.

Languages and human rights

Short description:
The four activities are based on extracts of the universal declaration of human rights, translated into various languages. The participants are invited to draw on their knowledge of languages and use comprehension strategies in order to, first of all, guess what text is presented, then reconstruct an article, identify words in several translations or translate words.
Level of instruction:
Secondary 2 and beyond


A 02.02
A 02.03
A 04.08
A 05.03
A 07.05
A 08.04.02
A 14.03.01
A 15.01
A 19.02.01
K 04.01
K 05.01
K 06
K 06.08
S 01.01
S 01.04
S 02.03
S 02.05
S 03.01
S 03.04
S 03.05
S 05

The four activities are based on extracts of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, translated into various languages. Participants are invited to draw on their knowledge of languages and use comprehension strategies in order to, first of all, guess what text it is, then reconstruct an article, identify words in several translations or translate words.
For the first activity, in which participants are invited to identify a text, it is recommended to hand out the photocopy separately, as the solution is given in the second activity.
In the second activity, participants are asked to reconstruct the first article of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, working in groups. One member in each group is asked to observe the others, which will encourage reflection on the strategies used.
In the third activity, participants have to identify certain words in an article about slavery. In the fourth activity, they have to use comprehension strategies in order to translate a word.

The four activities aim at developing openness towards language diversity and awareness of comprehension strategies. Participants may also acquire knowledge about relations between languages.
Duration: An hour and a half for the four activities, but one can also stop after the second or third one.

Card compiled by : Brigitte Gerber
Use this link if you want to link directly to this teaching material: https://carap.ecml.at/Materials/id/17968



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