A framework of reference for pluralistic approaches

FREPA - A training kit

This page offers self-study materials for teachers and other educational stakeholders. There are four modules: a discovery module; a module concerning the relationship between pluralistic approaches and language education policy; two modules presenting specific uses of FREPA in the classroom. These modules can also be used by teacher trainers in their preparation of training sessions.

The online training kit is available for teachers and teacher trainers who wish to train autonomously in pluralistic approaches and in the use of CARAP - FREPA materials. The materials can be used by trainers in the preparation of, and during training sessions.

Using the materials in autonomous training

  • We would recommend that you form a small group with colleagues who are willing to work with this material.  This will give rise to fruitful exchanges which will help develop useful knowledge. In the modules, we will often indicate precisely at which moments discussions should take place.  Needless to say, it is perfectly possible to do this work alone if the circumstances do not permit otherwise.
  • Download the documents you will find on the page which features the module you are going to work on (cf. the menu on the left).  This will make your task easier!
  • The Powerpoint is the backbone of every module. You will begin with this presentation which will indicate at which point(s) you will need to refer to the other documents.
  • Each module will require two to three hours to complete. It is always possible to stop working and to take up the task later on.  


The bibliography-sitography offers several routes to a better understanding of pluralistic approaches, as well as sources which can help to discover teaching materials which reflect the principles of these approaches. It should help particularly in situating the works mentioned in the modules.

Access to bibliography-sitography

FREPA - Training kit

Discovery module


The modules

The Discovery module should be enough to ensure an effective use of the FREPA tools. The other modules take the user to further depth, and can be used as a supplement, according to his/her circumstances and needs.

Modules 1 and 3 cannot be undertaken unless the user has already worked through the Discovery module. On the other hand, Module 2 can be tackled without having previously done the Discovery module.  It is in fact quite possible to take up the Discovery module after Module  has already been started, and to come back to this module afterwards.

The training kit comprises 4 modules:

1) The Discovery module  

The aim of this module is to allow the participants to carry out an activity as learners themselves, and to discover pluralistic approaches as we their link to the notion of plurilingual and pluricultural competence as presented in the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages, as well as the tools (which can be found on the same site) proposed by FREPA.

2) FREPA and educational language policies

This module is meant for teachers, teacher trainers and educational decision makers, for whom it seems to be of particular relevance. The module allows language professionals to situate FREPA in today’s context of language teaching/learning at school, especially as far as educational goals are concerned.

3) I am having difficulty in my teaching … How can FREPA be of use to me?

This module is meant for teachers and teacher trainers : it supports them in organising a concrete use of the FREPA training kit, as well as the pluralistic approaches, catering for certain difficulties concerning teaching and general pedagogical issues which teaching staff are likely to encounter in their everyday practice. [As long as this module is not on line, you can find a detailed description of its contents in De Pietro, J.-F. & Facciol, R. (2012). Quelle formation au « Cadre de référence pour les approches plurielles des langues et des cultures », CARAP ? In : C. Balsiger, D. Bétrix Köhler, J.-F de Pietro & Ch. Perregaux [Dirs], Eveil aux langues et approches plurielles – De la formation des enseignants aux pratiques de classe. Paris : L’Harmattan, pp. 227-238.]

4) I wish to carry out a project with my students … How can FREPA be of use to me?

This module is meant principally for teachers and teacher trainers and aims to support them in making use of the framework and pluralistic approaches in the design and implementation of class or school projects which involve other languages and other cultures.

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