A framework of reference for pluralistic approaches

The project

What is it about?

In cooperation with the ECML’s National Contact Points the project aims to disseminate the tools developed within the CARAP / FREPA project (A Framework for Pluralistic Approaches to Languages and Cultures) to support the development of plurilingual and intercultural competence of learning at all levels: the reference document FREPA – Competences and Resources, a bank of online teaching materials and a training kit.


In cooperation with the ECML’s National Contact Points, the project "Plurilingual and Intercultural Competences: Descriptors and Teaching Materials" aims to disseminate tools developed within the FREPA project (A Framework for Pluralistic Approaches to Languages and Cultures): (a) the reference document, which defines plurilingual and intercultural competences in terms of knowledge, skills and attitudes, (b) a bank of teaching materials available online and (c) a training kit for teachers. Created as a tool that establishes links between languages and language varieties that learners know or are learning, FREPA is entirely in line with the overall vision of language education promoted by the Council of Europe and is a complement to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages. 
In an initial phase, based on the National Contact Points, a network will be created in the partner countries. In cooperation with this network, the aim is to identify the specific needs of each context and to collect or adapt teaching materials which fall into the scope of pluralistic approaches. The dissemination primarily involves the network members, who will be trained at a central workshop in 2012. The dissemination will be enhanced in 2013, during several national training events, tailored to the specific contexts.


This project was run within the ECML's Learning through languages programme.

Project working languages: French, English, German

Project term: 2012-2013

Target audience involved in project activities

  • ECML National Contact Points;
  • representatives of minority or majority populations, speaking a national and/or a regional /migrant language;
  • teachers or teacher educators.


Project team

Anna Schröder-Sura  (coordinator)

Ildikó Lörincz

Petra Gilliyard Daryai-Hansen

Michel Candelier


Jean-François de Pietro

Danièle Moore


The CARAP / FREPA publication and website result from the work of an international network established within one of the ECML projects. We would like to thank all who worked on CARAP / FREPA, in particular the project coordination team for their motivation and active involvement.