A framework of reference for pluralistic approaches

Anna Maria Curci



Surname: Curci
First name: Anna Maria
Address for correspondence:
Nationality: Italian

Affiliation with educational networks/association
  • MIUR (Ministère de l'Education)-
  • Cooperating in ANSAS (National Agency for Education Development) -
  • ADI-SD - GISCEL - LEND : expert for blended learning teacher training project Poseidon (to teachers of Italian, classical and modern foreign languages)
  • POSEIDON : Member of Scientific Board and author of materials
Work Information
Occupation or position
currently held:
Teacher of German as a foreign language (high school) and teacher trainer (pre-service and in-service training
Name of employer: Istituto Tecnico Statale Vincenzo Arangio Ruiz" - Rome
Country of employment: Italy
Education and Training

Teaching qualification for English, French and German as foreign languages in the high school. Qualification as teacher trainer in several projects for in-service teacher training (PSLS, Special Project for Foreign Languages, Lingue 2000: Languages 2000, Action Research). Member of the Scientific Board of the Poseidon Project (blended learning teacher training for teachers of Italian, classical and modern foreign languages

Languages of communication
Mother tongue Italian
Other languages German, French, English, Spanish
Expertise in the topic of this project

Practice in the field:

Diffusion of CARAP/FREPA and of its Database of didactic materials in Italy

Revision and actualization of Poseidon materials with CARAP/FREPA  (2009)

Introducing CARAP/FREPA in Italian: Il Quadro di Riferimento degli Approcci Plurali (November 2009) :


Contribution to the CARAP Database (teaching material bank)

Other relevant experience:

Member of the Scientific Board of the Poseidon Project (blended learning teacher trainingo for teachers of Italian, classical and modern foreign languages



July 2010: Curci A.M., Ampliamento dell'orizzonte plurilingue. Il Quadro di  Riferimento degli Approcci Plurali (published by Waxmann)

2012: Translation of CARAP/FREPA into Italian together with Edoardo Lugarini


Presentation of the CARAP in the article "Il Quadro di Riferimento degli Approcci Plurali alle Lingue e alle Culture" //riviste.unimi.it/index.php/promoitals/article/view/2824/3027


Project workshop in 2012 - if you wish to participate click here and contact your National Nominating Authority