Ein Referenzrahmen für plurale Ansätze   
     zu Sprachen und Kulturen


Diese Datenbank bietet Lehrenden Zugang zu Unterrichtsmaterialien im Bereich plurale Ansätze zu Sprachen und Kulturen. Mit Hilfe dieser Unterlagen können sie die Lernenden im Erwerb von deklarativem Wissen, persönlichkeitsbezogenen Kompetenzen und Fertigkeiten und prozeduralem Wissen, wie sie in der Deskriptorenliste beschrieben werden, unterstützen. Diese online verfügbaren Materialien können nach verschiedenen Kriterien ausgewählt werden, nämlich nach den geplanten Lernzielen (wie in den REPA-Deskriptoren beschrieben), den Unterrichtsstufen, den thematischen Bereichen, der Art des pluralen Ansatzes und der Unterrichtssprache.



Le voleur des mots

Publication year: 2013

Students listen to a story in French about a thief depriving the people of their language’s words. On the basis of the text, they are led to discover the diversity of languages/linguistic varieties and its/their value. Furthermore the activity aims at developing a positive attitude towards any kind of linguistic variety.

Languages: Italian , German

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The Legend of the White Eagle II

Publication year: 2013

The purpose of the lesson is to find and to compare words, phrases and national symbols in some European languages and to draw a parallel between them and the same phrases in Arabic. The students should notice the meaning of other national symbols and find similarities between languages of the same language family.

Languages: English , Norwegian , Danish , Latvian , Lithuanian , Finnish , Estonian , Swedish , Icelandic

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Languages and human rights

Publication year: 2013

The four activities are based on extracts of the universal declaration of human rights, translated into various languages. The participants are invited to draw on their knowledge of languages and use comprehension strategies in order to, first of all, guess what text is presented, then reconstruct an article, identify words in several translations or translate words.


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Addictively tasty

Publication year: 2012

In this activity, the students learn about similarities and differences between languages, by focusing on chocolate and desserts.


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Japanese Calligraphy

Publication year: 2011

The main purpose of this activity is to introduce the students’ to the concept of Japanese Calligraphy and to enhance their curiosity to explore unfamiliar writing systems.


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Some languages of Europe … and elsewhere! 2

Publication year: 2012

The main purpose of this activity is to make participants recognise which fragments of texts belong to the same language and to put these fragments into the right order to get a coherent sequence.


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