Hintergrund zum CARAP Projekt 2008 - 2011
This website results from a project run within the ECML's (European Centre for
Modern Languages) Empowering Language Professionals programme entitled
"Framework of reference for pluralistic approaches".
Zusammenfassung des Projekts (auf Englisch)
The CARAP project builds on the results of the
ALC project (“Across Languages and Cultures”) of the 2nd MTP of the ECML, and which lead to the development of the central
part of a “Framework of Reference for Pluralistic Approaches” (CARAP/FREPA)
consisting of 1) lists of “resources” in terms of Knowledge, Attitudes and
Skills which are promoted by the pluralistic approaches, 2) a presentation of
global competences to which the resources contribute.
This project aims to produce, on the basis of CARAP a tool for use by
teachers. This tool will help raise their awareness about the necessity of a
global approach to resources that the learner must construct for himself in
the process of developing his plurilingual and pluricultural
competence. It will help teachers to adopt a general plan such as
“relying on initial linguistic competences of all learners, and of putting in
place the synergies within the learning process of all languages involved (cf.
the components of the “professional dimension” of teacher education such as
those described in the results of the LEA project (2nd MTP). It will
facilitate the formulation of objectives and use of activities belonging to
pluralistic approaches in order to reach these objectives.
In order to do this, a reduced CARAP version that is more easily understood
will be developed which will be accompanied by
an indication as to which pluralistic approaches are more directly relevant
to different categories of descriptors;
some commentaries about the levels of learners and elements of progression;
some examples of didactic activities relevant to pluralistic approaches; of
a pedagogical Guide about how to use this tool.
This tool will go through an experimental phase during which time a plan
will be developed for initial and continuing teacher education, in a range
of contexts. To this end, the project will rely on a network of
participants from the dissemination workshop of the previous project
(ALC). The experience gained in training will be used in the production
of a Guide for use by trainers.
Collaboration is envisaged with project ConBaT (3rd MTP). This will
basically consist of a regular exchange of information about
work-in-progress, in that this project has a different main objective (the
creation of original teaching material).
The second part of the 3rd MTP will be dedicated to a revision of the first
complete version of CARAP as has emerged from the ALC project, and to the
development of a tool aimed at facilitating its use in curriculum